Teach Kids Financial Governance !!!!

CONCEPT financial management should be taught to children as early as possible.Knowing the concept of money management from an early age can give children a good foundation to manage its earnings in the future.
In addition to academic education, the child must also be taught life skills education will be equally important for the development later when dewasa.Salah which is the management of personal finance. Teaching children pemahamanmengenai financial governance is, in truth must begin early.
However, it must be tailored to the age of the baby. Financial management skills are very important for everyone because its benefits will continue to be felt until later retirement.Parents as a central figure in the financial education outside the school have an important role. This role will be reflected in how children manage finances.
A study in the United States shows, the lack of knowledge of children in the midst of today's consumption patterns can be dangerous. Research reveals that one in six students in the country do not understand that the stock of long-term bonds than doubled profits.
Another surprising fact is, only one of five students who understand that the interest paid on a savings account will be taxed. The results of this survey is the worst in a series of six tests during the last 11 years.
"Children do not quite understand about finances. However, most parents do not understand how to educate their children to manage money, "said Executive Director Laura Levine, JumpStart Coalition, as quoted by Time's online edition.
In the book The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham mentioned several age levels of children when parents introduce money management in children. In children aged 9 years, studying financial governance begins with the provision of a weekly allowance of half their age. The money is then allocated into three different piggy banks. The first piggy bank is used for consumer spending, the second piggy bank for long-term savings such as buying an iPod or computer repair, and last used for charity piggy bank.
With the allocation of money in three banks, the children will understand what the money is earmarked as well as provide an understanding of how important forecast of short-term goals and long term.
"I often talk to clients who successfully apply the understanding of the meaning of saving.No doubt, their children will be able to apply the habit of saving, "said Kelly Campell, an expert in financial planning of Campbell Wealth Management, Washington DC, United States.
Entering his teens, all of a sudden, usually they will spend money without being able to brake. Countless amount of money should be spent by teenagers like to watch a music concert, buy clothes, cell phones or gaming consoles.
In this phase, providing an understanding of financial management can help a child when a teenager is likely to consumptive. Environmental stresses and stimuli from the association is a challenge when implementing financial planning during ini.Prinsip use some piggy banks that adopted in the financial planning should be converted into a bank account, ATM cards and deposits.
Teenagers also need to master the basics of economics, such as differences in definitions of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. Teenagers also need competent personal budget by considering a number of aspects such as price comparisons and stuff, make quick decisions and choose something useful.
"Teenagers will easily learn something by playing, learning directly, fun, and real," Lewis said Mendel, an expert financial planner from the University of Washington Business School, United States.
Age 18 years is an early stage of a child to adulthood. Needs at this age has been oriented to the future. For example, plans to enter college costs.
This age is the last chance for parents to direct the child in managing finances. Therefore, parents must be confirmed to return the child to put the priorities of the needs and desires.Children who have turned 18 years old will be faced with the economic terms that is more complicated, as a penalty for delay, minimum balance in savings, or loan arrears.
A study revealed that the best indicator to determine the success of financial management for the future is the children's willingness to delay gratification and spend money to strengthen long-term savings.
If parents are still giving an allowance to children of this age, was love in amounts large enough to allow him to allocate some funds in the budget. When parents have to teach children early on about the differences in the allocation of funds, especially the split between wants and needs, of course, the child will not experience problems in terms of finance.

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Teach Children Set Financial Early

Although still modest level of understanding, children can know, skillfully manage money if the manner of his parents. The key is to teach as early as possible, provide a simple knowledge, and give concrete examples.

A site that a lot of peeling about financial management for children, mentioned, seven out of ten children aged 17 years admitted that the parents who most influenced them in managing finances.

Financial planner Paul Lermitte in his book 'To Manage Money Smart Kids', say, when parents teach their children to save, how to use the money, and invested with full responsibility, indirectly, their parents have prepared them to live a successful and productive in a later date.

However, make sure that parents remember this:

Children are unique individuals. Therefore, a method of learning can not be successfully applied to all children.

Parents are in control. Therefore, according to Janet Bodnar, author of Kiplinger Dollars & Sense For Kids' parents do not get caught up in loving her children through the material. "In a family must have one adult, and the parents who should control it," he said.

Money Smart Kids Key Set

The key factor in making the child is motivated to manage finances is to make money becomes the important things in life. No need to reminisce about the many ways parents manage finances while still a teenager. Immediately, in essence, money.

Give real examples in life and be an example for them in dealing with financial problems.

  1. Teach children the difference between needs and wants. Explain to them that some things are expensive to buy it once and we must save it first. This will allow them to refrain from the desire to shop.
  2. Let them make decisions about money as early as possible.Teach them how to manage an allowance, but do not force them. Give the understanding that by saving they can get valuable items at a later date
  3. Provide motivation for saving.Tell the children that by saving money in the bank, they will be able to get more benefits than just saving money. Moreover, if the type of savings chosen especially for children, which certainly gives a lot of gifts or other perks. Let the eldest 'compete' in this case with younger siblings, so they'll be more motivated to find ways to supplement their income for savings in addition to the allowance, such as helping the mother or father.
  4. Make sure children know the relationship between employment, wages and taxes.Let your children know their parents how many hours are spent working with the amount of money to be spent. Do not forget, give them the understanding that the state is entitled to take part of their salary as tax.
  5. Never tired of teaching children about the credit system.Give the child an understanding of credit cards and how to use it. One thing that is not taught is the importance of paying bills each month. Before the child has a credit card, see first how the money arrangements with debit cards.
  6. If old enough, their motivation to gain work experience. Let your child feel like working, receiving a salary, and get tax breaks so they can appreciate the money.
  7. Teach your children about investing. In this case, the real experience is the best teacher. Parents can be the most obvious example for them. From this experience, children can learn about the process, gain, loss, risk factors, and so forth.

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If graduate school or college you'll want to be an employee or an entrepreneur? Surely some of you would prefer to be employees of a company both private and state enterprises. Because all the needs are assured. Uh, but does not true if an employee is 'safe'?

Well, do not let friends troubled teens make choices, friends of the Student Association (HIMA) Cooperative Mutual Aid (Kosgoro) entrepreneurship seminars held in 1957. Seminar entitled Building an Independent Youths in Insight "Bali Ndeso Mbangun Ndeso", Wednesday, November 9, 2011 in Building E Television Campus Udinus (TVKU) Semarang. The event was held to commemorate the 54th anniversary Kosgoro well as provide motivation to young people to become entrepreneurs.

You see, most young people today prefer to pay rather than pay. In fact, many of the gains from self-employment jobs you know. As Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M. Kom, you simply use what's around plus reasonable intelligence and pikiranuntuk make something. "Just buy some chicks to be maintained at home. At most you who keep it open, but your mother at home. But profits from the sale of eggs and chicken will be yours, "said University President Dian Nuswantoro this jokingly. Lol ... yes it is also true friend, you do not have to bother to take care of him but could take advantage of it. Well, the story could be made an example of you as a novice entrepreneur.

Eits, but do you know any friends before becoming rector of Mr. Edi should trade batik to be a computer salesman for school finance. And he was not ashamed to do such work. The key was just two, assertive and willing to take risks. Because it takes courage to be entrepreneurs. Really true!

The plan ya, Arnold became one of the seminar participants will be selling ice cream at her school. He and his friends from high school student council N 14 Semarang want to sell something that is liked by everyone. X.4 grade boys interested and was admitted mendaptkan motivation after listening to the explanation of the speaker.

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