If graduate school or college you'll want to be an employee or an entrepreneur? Surely some of you would prefer to be employees of a company both private and state enterprises. Because all the needs are assured. Uh, but does not true if an employee is 'safe'?

Well, do not let friends troubled teens make choices, friends of the Student Association (HIMA) Cooperative Mutual Aid (Kosgoro) entrepreneurship seminars held in 1957. Seminar entitled Building an Independent Youths in Insight "Bali Ndeso Mbangun Ndeso", Wednesday, November 9, 2011 in Building E Television Campus Udinus (TVKU) Semarang. The event was held to commemorate the 54th anniversary Kosgoro well as provide motivation to young people to become entrepreneurs.

You see, most young people today prefer to pay rather than pay. In fact, many of the gains from self-employment jobs you know. As Dr. Ir. Edi Noersasongko, M. Kom, you simply use what's around plus reasonable intelligence and pikiranuntuk make something. "Just buy some chicks to be maintained at home. At most you who keep it open, but your mother at home. But profits from the sale of eggs and chicken will be yours, "said University President Dian Nuswantoro this jokingly. Lol ... yes it is also true friend, you do not have to bother to take care of him but could take advantage of it. Well, the story could be made an example of you as a novice entrepreneur.

Eits, but do you know any friends before becoming rector of Mr. Edi should trade batik to be a computer salesman for school finance. And he was not ashamed to do such work. The key was just two, assertive and willing to take risks. Because it takes courage to be entrepreneurs. Really true!

The plan ya, Arnold became one of the seminar participants will be selling ice cream at her school. He and his friends from high school student council N 14 Semarang want to sell something that is liked by everyone. X.4 grade boys interested and was admitted mendaptkan motivation after listening to the explanation of the speaker.

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